Rugg API Documentation

Method onecmd

onecmd( self, string )


'Documented commands (type help <topic>):'
str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.


str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.


str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.




'Miscellaneous help topics:'
str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.


'*** No help on %s'
str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.


'(Cmd) '
str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.


str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.


'Undocumented commands:'
str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.


int(x[, base]) -> integer
Convert a string or number to an integer, if possible. A floating point argument will be truncated towards zero (this does not include a string representation of a floating point number!) When converting a string, use the optional base. It is an error to supply a base when converting a non-string. If the argument is outside the integer range a long object will be returned instead.

Class Interpreter

<class rugg.main.Interpreter at 0x406b747c>
Default implementation for the Rugg interpreter.

Function run

run( args )


'\nSyntax overview:\n \n QUANTITY [NUMBER](b, Kb, Mb, Tb) 10.5Mb\n RANGE [QUANTITY]..[QUANTITY] 1Mb..10Mb\n [QUANTITY]..[QUANTITY]/STEPS 1Mb..10Mb/10\n [QUANTITY]..[QUANTITY]/INC 1Mb..10Mb+0.5Mb\n\n OPERATION [NAME] PARAMETER... zone 10Mb\n\n COMBINATION [EXPRESSION] , [EXPRESSION] zone 10Mb, subdivide\n ITERATION [EXPRESSION] : [EXPRESSION] zone 10Mb, subdivide : fill\n APPLICATION [EXPRESSION] | [EXPRESSION] zone 10Mb, subdivide | fill\n GROUPING ( [EXPRESSION] ) subdivide : (blank, fill)\n\n COMMENTS !-- [ANYTHING] --! !-- Here is a comment --!\n'
str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.


'Checks the program syntax and semantics.'
str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.


'Does not clean the created zone that were not unlinked.'
str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.


'Displays the parse tree.'
str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.


'Rugg v0.2.3 - Hard drive harness and testing language\n\nRugg is both a tool that allows to create simple to complex scenarios that will\ntest your hard drive. Rugg scenarios can be written in a compact and expressive\nlanguage that allow you to create test that will mimic behaviours of programs\nlike Apache or PosgreSQL in minutes.\n\nBy default, Rugg is started as an interactive shell, unless you giveit some\narguments. You can give paths to files containing scenarios as well as strings\nrepresenting program data. To have a list of available command-line options, run\nrugg with the "-h" or "--help" options.\n\nWelcome to Rugg ! \n'
str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.

Module rugg.main

<module 'rugg.main' from '/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/rugg/'>
This is the main Rugg module, it contains the definition for the command line interprter and parser.
For more details on Rugg internals, you should look at the @rugg.language module, which contains the most important part of the language (parser and semantics). The @rugg.core module contains the Python API that can be used in scripts, and this API is wrapped in the @rugg.operations module.

Method run

run( self, program, parameters='parameters' )
Runs this by iterating through the values raised by the first operation, and applying them to the second.

Method add

add( self, element )

Method annotateChild

annotateChild( self, child, index )
Allows to annotate the child element at the given index. For instance, the first child of an operation is called the "operation name", then the rest are arguments. This allows this information to be printed on the tree.

Method asString

asString( self )
Returns a string representing the element. NOTE: When you subclass this function, make sure it never fails, as the Program tree must be printed when an exception has occured, to let the user know what went wrong with the program.

Method contextAdd

contextAdd( self, element )
When an element is added to the iteration context, it will be added to the combination first child context.

Method contextType

contextType( self )
Returns the type for this operation context.

Method error

error( self, exception )
Declares that an error was detected with this element, and adds it to the 'errors' attribute of this element.

Method errorsAsString

errorsAsString( self )
Returns a string containing all the errors for this element. This will be printed with the element in its string representation.

Method program

program( self, program='program' )
Sets/gets the program associated to this element.

Method type

type( self )

Method validate

validate( self, markOnly='markOnly' )

Class Application

<class rugg.language.Application at 0x407c38cc>
An Application is a specific kind of Iteration, where the application of the values of the SET to the operation is made in parallel, not in sequence.

Method add

add( self, element )

Method contextAdd

contextAdd( self, element )
When an element is added to the combination context, it will be added to the combination first child context.

Method run

run( self, program, parameters='parameters' )
Runs each child sequentially, by feeding the preceding one the result of the next.

Method type

type( self )

Method annotateChild

annotateChild( self, child, index )
Allows to annotate the child element at the given index. For instance, the first child of an operation is called the "operation name", then the rest are arguments. This allows this information to be printed on the tree.

Method asString

asString( self )
Returns a string representing the element. NOTE: When you subclass this function, make sure it never fails, as the Program tree must be printed when an exception has occured, to let the user know what went wrong with the program.

Method contextType

contextType( self )
Returns the type for this operation context.

Method error

error( self, exception )
Declares that an error was detected with this element, and adds it to the 'errors' attribute of this element.

Method errorsAsString

errorsAsString( self )
Returns a string containing all the errors for this element. This will be printed with the element in its string representation.

Method program

program( self, program='program' )
Sets/gets the program associated to this element.

Method validate

validate( self, markOnly='markOnly' )
Ensures that the element is semantically consistent. A typical use is to check if the arguments given to a function are of the proper type. When a problem occurs, a SemanticException can be raised.

Class Combination

<class rugg.language.Combination at 0x407c392c>
A combination makes a "chain" of operations, where the first element may be either a value or operation. The result of the previous operation is then passed as a parameter to the next one.
Structure: (VALUE|OPERATION, OPERATION...) If the first element is a VALUE, then the combination context should not be modified, because the first child will inherit the combination context -- which will only work if the first element is an operation (values have no context).

Method add

add( self, element )

Method annotateChild

annotateChild( self, child, index )
Allows to annotate the child element at the given index. For instance, the first child of an operation is called the "operation name", then the rest are arguments. This allows this information to be printed on the tree.

Method asString

asString( self )
Returns a string representing the element. NOTE: When you subclass this function, make sure it never fails, as the Program tree must be printed when an exception has occured, to let the user know what went wrong with the program.

Method error

error( self, exception )
Declares that an error was detected with this element, and adds it to the 'errors' attribute of this element.

Method errorsAsString

errorsAsString( self )
Returns a string containing all the errors for this element. This will be printed with the element in its string representation.

Method run

run( self, program, arguments='arguments' )
Runs the element as being part of the given program. This leads to the execution of the declaration represented in the program model. It does nothing by default.

Method type

type( self )
Returns the type for this element.

Method validate

validate( self, markOnly='markOnly' )
Ensures that the element is semantically consistent. A typical use is to check if the arguments given to a function are of the proper type. When a problem occurs, a SemanticException can be raised.

Class Element

<class rugg.language.Element at 0x407c368c>
Element is the abstract class for components of the program model.
Attributes: children [Element] errors [Exception] token tpg.Token

Method argumentsType

argumentsType( self )
The invocation arguments are the children following the first child.

Method inputType

inputType( self )
The input type is the type of the arguments, plus the type of the context. So this is basically equal to PROCESS(argumentsType, contextType).

Method name

name( self )
Returns the function name for this invocation

Method run

run( self, program, parameters='parameters' )
Runs this invocation in the given program.

Method type

type( self )
The type of an invocation corresponds to the processing of the context type, returning the corresponding type defined in the FUNCTIONS table.

Method validate

validate( self, markOnly='markOnly' )

Method add

add( self, element )

Method annotateChild

annotateChild( self, child, index )
Allows to annotate the child element at the given index. For instance, the first child of an operation is called the "operation name", then the rest are arguments. This allows this information to be printed on the tree.

Method asString

asString( self )
Returns a string representing the element. NOTE: When you subclass this function, make sure it never fails, as the Program tree must be printed when an exception has occured, to let the user know what went wrong with the program.

Method contextAdd

contextAdd( self, element )
Adds a value to this operation context.

Method contextType

contextType( self )
Returns the type for this operation context.

Method error

error( self, exception )
Declares that an error was detected with this element, and adds it to the 'errors' attribute of this element.

Method errorsAsString

errorsAsString( self )
Returns a string containing all the errors for this element. This will be printed with the element in its string representation.

Method program

program( self, program='program' )
Sets/gets the program associated to this element.

Class Invocation

<class rugg.language.Invocation at 0x407c386c>
An invocation is the operation that will look into the Rugg language functions, take the function, and invoke the function with the parameters found in the invocation context.
An invocation is (SYMBOL, ANY*)

Method add

add( self, element )

Method contextAdd

contextAdd( self, element )
When an element is added to the iteration context, it will be added to the combination first child context.

Method run

run( self, program, parameters='parameters' )
Runs this by iterating through the values raised by the first operation, and applying them to the second.

Method type

type( self )

Method validate

validate( self, markOnly='markOnly' )

Method annotateChild

annotateChild( self, child, index )
Allows to annotate the child element at the given index. For instance, the first child of an operation is called the "operation name", then the rest are arguments. This allows this information to be printed on the tree.

Method asString

asString( self )
Returns a string representing the element. NOTE: When you subclass this function, make sure it never fails, as the Program tree must be printed when an exception has occured, to let the user know what went wrong with the program.

Method contextType

contextType( self )
Returns the type for this operation context.

Method error

error( self, exception )
Declares that an error was detected with this element, and adds it to the 'errors' attribute of this element.

Method errorsAsString

errorsAsString( self )
Returns a string containing all the errors for this element. This will be printed with the element in its string representation.

Method program

program( self, program='program' )
Sets/gets the program associated to this element.

Class Iteration

<class rugg.language.Iteration at 0x407c389c>
An iteration sequentially applies the elements of a SET value as parameter to the context of the given operation.
Structure: VALUE|OPERATION, OPERATION where the VALUE or value returned by the first OPERATION is a SET.

Method contextAdd

contextAdd( self, element )
Adds a value to this operation context.

Method contextType

contextType( self )
Returns the type for this operation context.

Method add

add( self, element )

Method annotateChild

annotateChild( self, child, index )
Allows to annotate the child element at the given index. For instance, the first child of an operation is called the "operation name", then the rest are arguments. This allows this information to be printed on the tree.

Method asString

asString( self )
Returns a string representing the element. NOTE: When you subclass this function, make sure it never fails, as the Program tree must be printed when an exception has occured, to let the user know what went wrong with the program.

Method error

error( self, exception )
Declares that an error was detected with this element, and adds it to the 'errors' attribute of this element.

Method errorsAsString

errorsAsString( self )
Returns a string containing all the errors for this element. This will be printed with the element in its string representation.

Method program

program( self, program='program' )
Sets/gets the program associated to this element.

Method run

run( self, program, arguments='arguments' )
Runs the element as being part of the given program. This leads to the execution of the declaration represented in the program model. It does nothing by default.

Method type

type( self )
Returns the type for this element.

Method validate

validate( self, markOnly='markOnly' )
Ensures that the element is semantically consistent. A typical use is to check if the arguments given to a function are of the proper type. When a problem occurs, a SemanticException can be raised.

Class Operation

<class rugg.language.Operation at 0x407c383c>
An operation is an ProgramElement that can produce a value, by doing something. An operation has an associated _context_ (which one could also called the local environment) that contains data passed by enclosing operations.
Attributes: context [Value] An operation has no assertion on its children.

Method asString

asString( self )

Method type

type( self )

Method add

add( self, element )

Method annotateChild

annotateChild( self, child, index )
Allows to annotate the child element at the given index. For instance, the first child of an operation is called the "operation name", then the rest are arguments. This allows this information to be printed on the tree.

Method error

error( self, exception )
Declares that an error was detected with this element, and adds it to the 'errors' attribute of this element.

Method errorsAsString

errorsAsString( self )
Returns a string containing all the errors for this element. This will be printed with the element in its string representation.

Method program

program( self, program='program' )
Sets/gets the program associated to this element.

Method run

run( self, program, args='args' )

Method validate

validate( self, markOnly='markOnly' )
Ensures that the element is semantically consistent. A typical use is to check if the arguments given to a function are of the proper type. When a problem occurs, a SemanticException can be raised.

Class Parameter

<class rugg.language.Parameter at 0x407c37ac>
A Parameter is a value that is produced by the enclosing compositor. For instance, the iteration on a range will add a number parameter to the given operation.

Method Atom

Atom( self )
Atom -> QUANTITY | Range | Operation | LPAREN Expression RPAREN

Method Expression

Expression( self )
Expression -> Atom ((COLON | PIPE | COMMA | STAR) Atom)*

Method Operation

Operation( self )

Method Range

Range( self )
Range -> RANGE

Method START

START( self )
START -> Expression

Method init_lexer

init_lexer( self )

Method lineForPos

lineForPos( self, pos='pos' )
Returns (LINENUM, LINETEXT, LINEPOS) where LINENUM is the line number of the given position in the parsed text, LINETEXT the line text, and LINEPOS the position relatively to the start of the line.


int(x[, base]) -> integer
Convert a string or number to an integer, if possible. A floating point argument will be truncated towards zero (this does not include a string representation of a floating point number!) When converting a string, use the optional base. It is an error to supply a base when converting a non-string. If the argument is outside the integer range a long object will be returned instead.

Class Parser

<class 'rugg.language.Parser'>
separator space '[\s\n]+'; separator comment '#.+';
token BLAH 'with|to|in|that|the|of|is|are'; token RANGE '\d+(\w+)?\.\.\d+(\w+)?(/\d+|\+\d+\w+)?'; token QUANTITY '\d+(\.\d+)?(\w\w|\%)?'; token WORD '\w[\w\d]+'; token LPAREN '\('; token RPAREN '\)'; token COMMA '\,'; token COLON '\:'; token PIPE '\|'; token STAR '\*'; token COMMENT_S '\!\-\-'; token COMMENT_E '\-\-\!';
START/s -> $ s = builder.createProgram(self) Expression/e $ s.add(e) $ builder.endProgram() ; Range/r -> RANGE/r $ r = builder.createRange(r) ; Operation/o -> WORD/w $ o = builder.createInvocation(w) ( BLAH | WORD/w $ o.add(builder.createString(w)) | QUANTITY/q $ o.add(builder.createQuantity(q)) | RANGE/r $ o.add(builder.createRange(r)) ) * $ builder.endOperation() ;
Atom/a -> QUANTITY/a $ a = builder.createQuantity(a) | Range/a | Operation/a | LPAREN Expression/a $ a = a $ RPAREN ;
Expression/a -> Atom/a ( ( COLON $ a = builder.createIteration(a) | PIPE $ a = builder.createApplication(a) | COMMA $ a = builder.createCombination(a) | STAR $ a = builder.createRepetition(a) ) Atom/b $ a.add(b) )* ;

Method add

add( self, element )

Method cleanup

cleanup( self )
Unlinks all zones registered in this program.

Method createZone

createZone( self, *args, **kwargs )
Creates a Zone which will be initialized with the given arguments.

Method run

run( self, program='program', arguments='arguments' )

Method type

type( self )
Returns the type for this element.

Method annotateChild

annotateChild( self, child, index )
Allows to annotate the child element at the given index. For instance, the first child of an operation is called the "operation name", then the rest are arguments. This allows this information to be printed on the tree.

Method asString

asString( self )
Returns a string representing the element. NOTE: When you subclass this function, make sure it never fails, as the Program tree must be printed when an exception has occured, to let the user know what went wrong with the program.

Method error

error( self, exception )
Declares that an error was detected with this element, and adds it to the 'errors' attribute of this element.

Method errorsAsString

errorsAsString( self )
Returns a string containing all the errors for this element. This will be printed with the element in its string representation.

Method validate

validate( self, markOnly='markOnly' )
Ensures that the element is semantically consistent. A typical use is to check if the arguments given to a function are of the proper type. When a problem occurs, a SemanticException can be raised.

Class Program

<class rugg.language.Program at 0x407c36bc>
Represents a Rugg program as a whole. The program has a stack of values, representing the current context (which is a value). The stack can be manipulated by the program builder.

Method createApplication

createApplication( self, element )

Method createCombination

createCombination( self, element )

Method createInvocation

createInvocation( self, name )

Method createIteration

createIteration( self, element )

Method createProgram

createProgram( self, parser )
Creates a new program. You must call `endProgram` before calling `createProgram` again.

Method createQuantity

createQuantity( self, quantity )
Creates a Quantity value.

Method createRange

createRange( self, _range )
Creates and returns a new Range element, and adds it to the program stack.

Method createRepetition

createRepetition( self, element )

Method createString

createString( self, word )
Creates a Word value.

Method endComment

endComment( self )

Method endOperation

endOperation( self )

Method endProgram

endProgram( self )
Ends the current program, and returns the `Program` instance that was created by the `createProgram` call.

Method setOffsets

setOffsets( self, element )
Sets the offsets of the given element. This is automatically called on the element creation.

Method startComment

startComment( self )

Class ProgramBuilder

<class rugg.language.ProgramBuilder at 0x407c395c>
The ProgramBuilder is the main interface, drive by the parser, to create Rugg programs. You can also drive the ProgramBuilder "by hand" to build Rugg program from Python scripts.
NOTE: program builders are not threadsafe, which means that you cannot share a single program builder instance between different threads. Create a new one instead for each thread.

Method add

add( self, element )

Method program

program( self, program='program' )
Sets/gets the program associated to this element.

Method annotateChild

annotateChild( self, child, index )
Allows to annotate the child element at the given index. For instance, the first child of an operation is called the "operation name", then the rest are arguments. This allows this information to be printed on the tree.

Method asString

asString( self )
Returns a string representing the element. NOTE: When you subclass this function, make sure it never fails, as the Program tree must be printed when an exception has occured, to let the user know what went wrong with the program.

Method error

error( self, exception )
Declares that an error was detected with this element, and adds it to the 'errors' attribute of this element.

Method errorsAsString

errorsAsString( self )
Returns a string containing all the errors for this element. This will be printed with the element in its string representation.

Method run

run( self, program, arguments='arguments' )
Runs the element as being part of the given program. This leads to the execution of the declaration represented in the program model. It does nothing by default.

Method type

type( self )
Returns the type for this element.

Method validate

validate( self, markOnly='markOnly' )
Ensures that the element is semantically consistent. A typical use is to check if the arguments given to a function are of the proper type. When a problem occurs, a SemanticException can be raised.

Class ProgramElement

<class rugg.language.ProgramElement at 0x407c36ec>
An element that belong to a particular program.

Method run

run( self, program, args='args' )

Method type

type( self )

Method add

add( self, element )

Method annotateChild

annotateChild( self, child, index )
Allows to annotate the child element at the given index. For instance, the first child of an operation is called the "operation name", then the rest are arguments. This allows this information to be printed on the tree.

Method asString

asString( self )

Method error

error( self, exception )
Declares that an error was detected with this element, and adds it to the 'errors' attribute of this element.

Method errorsAsString

errorsAsString( self )
Returns a string containing all the errors for this element. This will be printed with the element in its string representation.

Method program

program( self, program='program' )
Sets/gets the program associated to this element.

Method validate

validate( self, markOnly='markOnly' )
Ensures that the element is semantically consistent. A typical use is to check if the arguments given to a function are of the proper type. When a problem occurs, a SemanticException can be raised.

Class Quantity

<class rugg.language.Quantity at 0x407c377c>
Represents a quantity.

Method run

run( self, program, args='args' )

Method type

type( self )

Method add

add( self, element )

Method annotateChild

annotateChild( self, child, index )
Allows to annotate the child element at the given index. For instance, the first child of an operation is called the "operation name", then the rest are arguments. This allows this information to be printed on the tree.

Method asString

asString( self )

Method error

error( self, exception )
Declares that an error was detected with this element, and adds it to the 'errors' attribute of this element.

Method errorsAsString

errorsAsString( self )
Returns a string containing all the errors for this element. This will be printed with the element in its string representation.

Method program

program( self, program='program' )
Sets/gets the program associated to this element.

Method validate

validate( self, markOnly='markOnly' )
Ensures that the element is semantically consistent. A typical use is to check if the arguments given to a function are of the proper type. When a problem occurs, a SemanticException can be raised.

Class Range

<class rugg.language.Range at 0x407c380c>
A Range is a set of values (and is also a value).

Method add

add( self, element )

Method run

run( self, program, parameters='parameters' )
Runs this by iterating through the values raised by the first operation, and applying them to the second.

Method type

type( self )

Method validate

validate( self, markOnly='markOnly' )

Method annotateChild

annotateChild( self, child, index )
Allows to annotate the child element at the given index. For instance, the first child of an operation is called the "operation name", then the rest are arguments. This allows this information to be printed on the tree.

Method asString

asString( self )
Returns a string representing the element. NOTE: When you subclass this function, make sure it never fails, as the Program tree must be printed when an exception has occured, to let the user know what went wrong with the program.

Method contextAdd

contextAdd( self, element )
Adds a value to this operation context.

Method contextType

contextType( self )
Returns the type for this operation context.

Method error

error( self, exception )
Declares that an error was detected with this element, and adds it to the 'errors' attribute of this element.

Method errorsAsString

errorsAsString( self )
Returns a string containing all the errors for this element. This will be printed with the element in its string representation.

Method program

program( self, program='program' )
Sets/gets the program associated to this element.

Class Repetition

<class rugg.language.Repetition at 0x407c38fc>
A repetition "absorbs its first argument", and repeats the attached operation the number of time described by the first argument.

Method type

type( self )

Method add

add( self, element )

Method annotateChild

annotateChild( self, child, index )
Allows to annotate the child element at the given index. For instance, the first child of an operation is called the "operation name", then the rest are arguments. This allows this information to be printed on the tree.

Method asString

asString( self )

Method error

error( self, exception )
Declares that an error was detected with this element, and adds it to the 'errors' attribute of this element.

Method errorsAsString

errorsAsString( self )
Returns a string containing all the errors for this element. This will be printed with the element in its string representation.

Method program

program( self, program='program' )
Sets/gets the program associated to this element.

Method run

run( self, program, args='args' )

Method validate

validate( self, markOnly='markOnly' )
Ensures that the element is semantically consistent. A typical use is to check if the arguments given to a function are of the proper type. When a problem occurs, a SemanticException can be raised.

Class String

<class rugg.language.String at 0x407c374c>
Rerpresents a string.

Method type

type( self )

Method add

add( self, element )

Method annotateChild

annotateChild( self, child, index )
Allows to annotate the child element at the given index. For instance, the first child of an operation is called the "operation name", then the rest are arguments. This allows this information to be printed on the tree.

Method asString

asString( self )

Method error

error( self, exception )
Declares that an error was detected with this element, and adds it to the 'errors' attribute of this element.

Method errorsAsString

errorsAsString( self )
Returns a string containing all the errors for this element. This will be printed with the element in its string representation.

Method program

program( self, program='program' )
Sets/gets the program associated to this element.

Method run

run( self, program, args='args' )

Method validate

validate( self, markOnly='markOnly' )
Ensures that the element is semantically consistent. A typical use is to check if the arguments given to a function are of the proper type. When a problem occurs, a SemanticException can be raised.

Class Symbol

<class rugg.language.Symbol at 0x407c37dc>
A Symbol is a string that represents an element of the program, wether available in the program context, or available in the internal program runtime. Symbols are typically used to represent functions by their names, so Symbols are simply strings.

Method asString

asString( self )

Method run

run( self, program, args='args' )

Method add

add( self, element )

Method annotateChild

annotateChild( self, child, index )
Allows to annotate the child element at the given index. For instance, the first child of an operation is called the "operation name", then the rest are arguments. This allows this information to be printed on the tree.

Method error

error( self, exception )
Declares that an error was detected with this element, and adds it to the 'errors' attribute of this element.

Method errorsAsString

errorsAsString( self )
Returns a string containing all the errors for this element. This will be printed with the element in its string representation.

Method program

program( self, program='program' )
Sets/gets the program associated to this element.

Method type

type( self )
Returns the type for this element.

Method validate

validate( self, markOnly='markOnly' )
Ensures that the element is semantically consistent. A typical use is to check if the arguments given to a function are of the proper type. When a problem occurs, a SemanticException can be raised.

Class Value

<class rugg.language.Value at 0x407c371c>
A value represents elements that can be directly converted to values, and can be processed by operations. Values do not have children.
Attributes: value Element|str children ()

Function createParser

createParser( )
Creates the parse for the Rugg mini language. This is an internal method that creates a TPG or PyParsing parser.

Function parseFile

parseFile( path, run='run', validate='validate', display='display' )
Parses the give file.

Function parseString

parseString( text, run='run', validate='validate', display='display' )
Parses the given string of text and returns an object model representing the program.

Function printError

printError( name, description, pos='pos', pos_end='pos_end' )
Helper function used by parseString to report when an error has occured.

Function runFile

runFile( text )

Function runString

runString( text )

Function type_format

type_format( the_type )
Formats the given type to be printed on a terminal. If the type is UNKNOWN, it will be printed in RED, otherwise in GREEN.


str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.


str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.


str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.


str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.


{'REBOLD': '01;31', 'MG': '00;35', 'GR': '00;32', 'BKBOLD': '01;30', 'MGBOLD': '01;35', 'BL': '00;34', 'BWBOLD': '01;33', 'BK': '00;30', 'RE': '00;31', 'CY': '00;36', 'BW': '00;33', 'GRBOLD': '01;32', 'BLBOLD': '01;34', 'CYBOLD': '01;36'}
dict() -> new empty dictionary. dict(mapping) -> new dictionary initialized from a mapping object's (key, value) pairs. dict(seq) -> new dictionary initialized as if via: d = {} for k, v in seq: d[k] = v dict(**kwargs) -> new dictionary initialized with the name=value pairs in the keyword argument list. For example: dict(one=1, two=2)


str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.


str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.


str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.


<rugg.language.Parser object at 0x407cb86c>
separator space '[\s\n]+'; separator comment '#.+';
token BLAH 'with|to|in|that|the|of|is|are'; token RANGE '\d+(\w+)?\.\.\d+(\w+)?(/\d+|\+\d+\w+)?'; token QUANTITY '\d+(\.\d+)?(\w\w|\%)?'; token WORD '\w[\w\d]+'; token LPAREN '\('; token RPAREN '\)'; token COMMA '\,'; token COLON '\:'; token PIPE '\|'; token STAR '\*'; token COMMENT_S '\!\-\-'; token COMMENT_E '\-\-\!';
START/s -> $ s = builder.createProgram(self) Expression/e $ s.add(e) $ builder.endProgram() ; Range/r -> RANGE/r $ r = builder.createRange(r) ; Operation/o -> WORD/w $ o = builder.createInvocation(w) ( BLAH | WORD/w $ o.add(builder.createString(w)) | QUANTITY/q $ o.add(builder.createQuantity(q)) | RANGE/r $ o.add(builder.createRange(r)) ) * $ builder.endOperation() ;
Atom/a -> QUANTITY/a $ a = builder.createQuantity(a) | Range/a | Operation/a | LPAREN Expression/a $ a = a $ RPAREN ;
Expression/a -> Atom/a ( ( COLON $ a = builder.createIteration(a) | PIPE $ a = builder.createApplication(a) | COMMA $ a = builder.createCombination(a) | STAR $ a = builder.createRepetition(a) ) Atom/b $ a.add(b) )* ;


str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.


<rugg.language.ProgramBuilder instance at 0x407c6c6c>
The ProgramBuilder is the main interface, drive by the parser, to create Rugg programs. You can also drive the ProgramBuilder "by hand" to build Rugg program from Python scripts.
NOTE: program builders are not threadsafe, which means that you cannot share a single program builder instance between different threads. Create a new one instead for each thread.

Module rugg.language

<module 'rugg.language' from '/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/rugg/language.pyc'>

Class CachedProducer

<class rugg.core.CachedProducer at 0x406e55fc>
A cached producer generates a certain amount of data and picks its data from the cache. This allows to speed up the throughput and do actual benchmarking.
To generate a cached producer simply do CachedProducer(randomTextProducer), or with whatever producer you prefer.

Method _createDescriptors

_createDescriptors( self )
This method is invoked by the constructor and creates the file descriptors (by default, one read and one write for the given path). This should be overriden if different behaviours are expected.

Method availableSpace

availableSpace( self )
Returns the available space (in bytes) for writing this file.

Method canWrite

canWrite( self )
Returns the number of bytes that can be written until the size limit is reached. This returns -1 if there is no limit set.

Method data

data( self )
Returns the content of this file as data. The current read offset is preserved

Method flush

flush( self )
Flushes the buffers.

Method limitSize

limitSize( self, sizeLimit )
Sets a limit to this file size.

Method path

path( self )
Returns the path for this File.

Method produce

produce( self, length='length' )
This method can be used as a producer, and will return the content of this file from the current reading position.

Method read

read( self, length='length' )
Reads a segment of data of the given length and returns it. If an empty string is returned, then no value was read.

Method rseek

rseek( self, offset )
Moves the read fd to the given offset.

Method rtell

rtell( self )

Method seek

seek( self, offset )
Moves both read and write offsets to the given offset.

Method sig

sig( self )
Returns the SHA-1 signature for this file.

Method size

size( self )
Returns the current size of this file, in bytes.

Method sizeLimit

sizeLimit( self )
Returns the size limit for this file. -1 means that the file has no size limit, otherwise file size limit is expressed in bytes.

Method unlink

unlink( self )
Unlinks this file. This closes the opened file descriptors and deletes the files from the filesystem.

Method write

write( self, data )
Writes the given data to this file. Returns the actual number of written bytes.

Method wseek

wseek( self, offset )
Moves the write fd to the given offset.

Method wtell

wtell( self )

Class File

<class rugg.core.File at 0x406e565c>
Files objects are a simple abstraction that easily allow to read, write, seek and unlink files. These are the objects used to access the filesystem and to harness the hard drives.

Class FileError

<class rugg.core.FileError at 0x406e550c>
Abstract class for file-related errors.

Class Limits

<class rugg.core.Limits at 0x406e55cc>
The Limits class defines limits that will constrain the operations defined in this modules. Limits allow to prevent the operation from overflowing or causing problem with the underlying operating systems. Limits are used to determine the maximum number of file descriptors, or the maximum length of data producer by a producer at a time.
Attributes: MAX_FD Maxium number of file descriptors openened at once MAX_PRODUCED_DATA Maximum length of data produced by a producer

Class OperationalError

<class rugg.core.OperationalError at 0x406e559c>
Indicates than an operation (ensure, fill, etc) did not work as expected.

Class ReadError

<class rugg.core.ReadError at 0x406e553c>
Indicates that a read operation did not work as expected.

Method _iterate

_iterate( self )

Method cleanConsumer

cleanConsumer( self, consumer )
Calles at the very end, when the consumer does not which to consume data anymore.

Method consume

consume( self, consumer )
This is a (blocking) operation that produces the data. When all the data is produced this returns None

Method consumerFinished

consumerFinished( self, consumer )
This MUST be called by the consumer after each time it properly consumed data. This SHOULD NOT be called when the data returned is (None, 0).

Method declareConsumer

declareConsumer( self, consumer )
This has to be called at the beginning by each consumer.

Method isConsumerDeclared

isConsumerDeclared( self, consumer )

Method reset

reset( self )

Class SharedProducer

<class rugg.core.SharedProducer at 0x406e562c>
This class allows to wrap a producer so that the same data can be consumed by a given number of threds. This is vital to the 'fill same' operation in multi-threaded contexts.

Method size

size( self )
Returns the current size of this file, in bytes.

Method unlink

unlink( self )
Unlinking Zone files has no side-effect, as the file descriptors are borrowed from the parent zone

Method zone

zone( self )
Returns the zone to which this subzone comes.

Method _createDescriptors

_createDescriptors( self )
This method is invoked by the constructor and creates the file descriptors (by default, one read and one write for the given path). This should be overriden if different behaviours are expected.

Method availableSpace

availableSpace( self )
Returns the available space (in bytes) for writing this file.

Method canWrite

canWrite( self )
Returns the number of bytes that can be written until the size limit is reached. This returns -1 if there is no limit set.

Method data

data( self )
Returns the content of this file as data. The current read offset is preserved

Method flush

flush( self )
Flushes the buffers.

Method limitSize

limitSize( self, sizeLimit )
Sets a limit to this file size.

Method path

path( self )
Returns the path for this File.

Method produce

produce( self, length='length' )
This method can be used as a producer, and will return the content of this file from the current reading position.

Method read

read( self, length='length' )
Reads a segment of data of the given length and returns it. If an empty string is returned, then no value was read.

Method rseek

rseek( self, offset )
Moves the read fd to the given offset.

Method rtell

rtell( self )

Method seek

seek( self, offset )
Moves both read and write offsets to the given offset.

Method sig

sig( self )
Returns the SHA-1 signature for this file.

Method sizeLimit

sizeLimit( self )
Returns the size limit for this file. -1 means that the file has no size limit, otherwise file size limit is expressed in bytes.

Method write

write( self, data )
Writes the given data to this file. Returns the actual number of written bytes.

Method wseek

wseek( self, offset )
Moves the write fd to the given offset.

Method wtell

wtell( self )

Class SubZone

<class rugg.core.SubZone at 0x406e56bc>
A Zone file is a file that leaves within a zone. It has the same interface as the File object.

Class WriteError

<class rugg.core.WriteError at 0x406e556c>
Indicates that a write operation did not work as expected.

Method join

join( self )
This is the opposite of divide: it joins every subzone together, so that this zone is a single zone.

Method size

size( self )
Returns the current size of this file, in bytes.

Method subdivide

subdivide( self, number )
Divides the zones into the given number of subzones. Starting from that moment, and until join is invoked, all operations will be made on all subzones. An array of SubZones representing the subzones themselves is given, and can be manipulated as regular files.

Method subzone

subzone( self, baseOffset, length )
Creates a subzone with the given base offset and the given length. There is no checking for wether the subzone overlaps with an existing one, so you should take care of that.

Method subzones

subzones( self )
Returns the subzones that were created when this zone was divided, if it was divided.

Method _createDescriptors

_createDescriptors( self )
This method is invoked by the constructor and creates the file descriptors (by default, one read and one write for the given path). This should be overriden if different behaviours are expected.

Method availableSpace

availableSpace( self )
Returns the available space (in bytes) for writing this file.

Method canWrite

canWrite( self )
Returns the number of bytes that can be written until the size limit is reached. This returns -1 if there is no limit set.

Method data

data( self )
Returns the content of this file as data. The current read offset is preserved

Method flush

flush( self )
Flushes the buffers.

Method limitSize

limitSize( self, sizeLimit )
Sets a limit to this file size.

Method path

path( self )
Returns the path for this File.

Method produce

produce( self, length='length' )
This method can be used as a producer, and will return the content of this file from the current reading position.

Method read

read( self, length='length' )
Reads a segment of data of the given length and returns it. If an empty string is returned, then no value was read.

Method rseek

rseek( self, offset )
Moves the read fd to the given offset.

Method rtell

rtell( self )

Method seek

seek( self, offset )
Moves both read and write offsets to the given offset.

Method sig

sig( self )
Returns the SHA-1 signature for this file.

Method sizeLimit

sizeLimit( self )
Returns the size limit for this file. -1 means that the file has no size limit, otherwise file size limit is expressed in bytes.

Method unlink

unlink( self )
Unlinks this file. This closes the opened file descriptors and deletes the files from the filesystem.

Method write

write( self, data )
Writes the given data to this file. Returns the actual number of written bytes.

Method wseek

wseek( self, offset )
Moves the write fd to the given offset.

Method wtell

wtell( self )

Class Zone

<class rugg.core.Zone at 0x406e568c>
A Zone is a specific file with a specific given size which can be divided into multiple SubZones. This allows to tests specific locations on the filesystem by creating 'virtual files' within one big file.

Function GB

GB( size )
Returns the number of gigabytes in bytes

Function KB

KB( size )
Returns the number of kilobytes in bytes

Function MB

MB( size )
Returns the number of megabytes in bytes

Function TB

TB( size )
Returns the number of terabytes in bytes

Function _initTextSources

_initTextSources( )

Function _pickData

_pickData( paths, length )
Picks a file from the given list of paths, and returns at most the given length. If there was a problem with the given file (cannot be read, or does not exist), then None is returned.

Function blankProducer

blankProducer( length )
Returns a chunk of data of the given length, or of a length equal to LIMITS.MAX_PRODUCED_DATA if length is too big. The data and its lengths are returned anyway.

Function freespace

freespace( path='path' )

Function generate_path

generate_path( prefix='prefix', suffix='suffix', parent='parent' )

Function parseSize

parseSize( text )
Parses the given size as a string and returns the size in bytes

Function randomBinaryProducer

randomBinaryProducer( length )
Returns a chunk of data of the given length, or of a length equal to LIMITS.MAX_PRODUCED_DATA if length is too big. The data and its lengths are returned anyway.

Function randomNumberProducer

randomNumberProducer( length )
Returns a chunk of data of the given length, or of a length equal to LIMITS.MAX_PRODUCED_DATA if length is too big. The data and its lengths are returned anyway.

Function randomTextProducer

randomTextProducer( length )
Returns a chunk of data of the given length, or of a length equal to LIMITS.MAX_PRODUCED_DATA if length is too big. The data and its lengths are returned anyway.

Function randomWordsProducer

randomWordsProducer( length )
Returns a chunk of data of the given length, or of a length equal to LIMITS.MAX_PRODUCED_DATA if length is too big. The data and its lengths are returned anyway.

Function rseek

rseek( files, offset )

Function seek

seek( files, offset )

Function wseek

wseek( files, offset )


<rugg.core.Limits instance at 0x406eb3cc>
The Limits class defines limits that will constrain the operations defined in this modules. Limits allow to prevent the operation from overflowing or causing problem with the underlying operating systems. Limits are used to determine the maximum number of file descriptors, or the maximum length of data producer by a producer at a time.
Attributes: MAX_FD Maxium number of file descriptors openened at once MAX_PRODUCED_DATA Maximum length of data produced by a producer


<_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x82f8b80>
Compiled regular expression objects


list() -> new list list(sequence) -> new list initialized from sequence's items


{'KB': <function KB at 0x406e26f4>, 'MB': <function MB at 0x406e26bc>, 'MO': <function MB at 0x406e26bc>, 'KO': <function KB at 0x406e26f4>, 'TO': <function TB at 0x406e2764>, 'GB': <function GB at 0x406e272c>, 'GO': <function GB at 0x406e272c>, 'TB': <function TB at 0x406e2764>}
dict() -> new empty dictionary. dict(mapping) -> new dictionary initialized from a mapping object's (key, value) pairs. dict(seq) -> new dictionary initialized as if via: d = {} for k, v in seq: d[k] = v dict(**kwargs) -> new dictionary initialized with the name=value pairs in the keyword argument list. For example: dict(one=1, two=2)


dict() -> new empty dictionary. dict(mapping) -> new dictionary initialized from a mapping object's (key, value) pairs. dict(seq) -> new dictionary initialized as if via: d = {} for k, v in seq: d[k] = v dict(**kwargs) -> new dictionary initialized with the name=value pairs in the keyword argument list. For example: dict(one=1, two=2)

Module rugg.core

<module 'rugg.core' from '/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/rugg/core.pyc'>

Method _dispatch

_dispatch( self, operation, argSignature )

Method benchmark

benchmark( self, something='something' )

Method blank

blank( self, zone )

Method context

context( self, name='name', **kwargs )
Queries the given element of the current context or adds the given key/values to the current context.

Method endContext

endContext( self )
Ends the context that was previously created by the 'startContext'

Method ensure

ensure( self, *args )

Method ensureBlank

ensureBlank( self, files, opposite='opposite', blocksize='blocksize' )

Method ensureSame

ensureSame( self, files, opposite='opposite', blocksize='blocksize' )

Method error

error( self, message )

Method fill

fill( self, f, length='length', blocksize='blocksize', producer='producer', log='log' )

Method fill_argstokwargs

fill_argstokwargs( self, args )
Utility function that converts the given string arguments as a dict that can be used as kwargs to the core.fill operation.

Method fill_typeWithZones

fill_typeWithZones( self, *args, **pkwargs )

Method generate

generate( self, f, length='length', blocksize='blocksize', producer='producer' )

Method indent

indent( self, text, length, firstline )

Method invoke

invoke( self, operation, argsignatures, arguments )
Invokes the given operation with the given arguments. The arguments must be actual ProgramModel Values, and must be able to return a type.

Method join

join( self, zones )

Method listOperations

listOperations( self )
Returns a list of couples ("operation name", "method").

Method log

log( self, message )

Method register

register( self )
Should be called after the instanciation. Will register all functions that have been decorated with @method.

Method returnType

returnType( self, operation, argsignatures )

Method sig

sig( self, zone )

Method start

start( self )
Program started.

Method startContext

startContext( self, **kwargs )
Starts a new subcontext in the environment. A context can be used by the operations to save run-time state data.

Method subdivide

subdivide( self, zone, quantity )

Method subdivide_alt

subdivide_alt( self, quantity, zone )

Method time

time( self, something='something' )

Method unlink

unlink( self, zone )

Method zone

zone( self, quantity )

Method zone_array

zone_array( self, quantities )

Class Environment

<class rugg.operations.Environment at 0x407c365c>
The operations environment is a class that encapsulates all operations defined in the language. It offers a simple framework to implement what is defined in the language.

Function method

method( *types )
Decorates the given function by associating to it a dispatching type.

Module rugg.operations

<module 'rugg.operations' from '/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/rugg/operations.pyc'>
The operations module defines an Environment class that contains all the operations. It is automatically instanciated by a program (in the language module).
What is interesting is that the Environment allows to very easily bind operations between Rugg and Python. You simply have to decorate an Environment method with the @method decorator, which will explicitely indicate the method signatures (we take advantage of Python flexible typing).

Class OperationDoesNotRespond

<class rugg.typesystem.OperationDoesNotRespond at 0x406e5f8c>

Class RuggError

<class rugg.typesystem.RuggError at 0x406e574c>

Class RuntimeError

<class rugg.typesystem.RuntimeError at 0x406e5aac>
An exception that is thrown when a runtime error was detected.

Class SemanticError

<class rugg.typesystem.SemanticError at 0x406e58cc>
An exception that is thrown when a semantic error was detected.

Class UndefinedOperation

<class rugg.typesystem.UndefinedOperation at 0x406e5b0c>

Function combineArguments

combineArguments( a, b )

Function makeArguments

makeArguments( args )

Module rugg.typesystem

<module 'rugg.typesystem' from '/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/rugg/typesystem.pyc'>

Function KB

KB( size )
Returns the number of kilobytes in bytes

Function method

method( *types )
Decorates the given function by associating to it a dispatching type.

Method error

error( self, exception )
Declares that an error was detected with this element, and adds it to the 'errors' attribute of this element.

Method consume

consume( self, consumer )
This is a (blocking) operation that produces the data. When all the data is produced this returns None

Method run

run( self, program, args='args' )

Method asString

asString( self )

Method name

name( self )
Returns the function name for this invocation

Method init_lexer

init_lexer( self )

Method add

add( self, element )

Function printError

printError( name, description, pos='pos', pos_end='pos_end' )
Helper function used by parseString to report when an error has occured.

Method zone

zone( self )
Returns the zone to which this subzone comes.

Function parseSize

parseSize( text )
Parses the given size as a string and returns the size in bytes

Function makeArguments

makeArguments( args )

Method type

type( self )
Returns the type for this element.

Method errorsAsString

errorsAsString( self )
Returns a string containing all the errors for this element. This will be printed with the element in its string representation.

Method run

run( self, program, arguments='arguments' )
Runs the element as being part of the given program. This leads to the execution of the declaration represented in the program model. It does nothing by default.

Method validate

validate( self, markOnly='markOnly' )
Ensures that the element is semantically consistent. A typical use is to check if the arguments given to a function are of the proper type. When a problem occurs, a SemanticException can be raised.

Class Element

<class rugg.language.Element at 0x407c368c>
Element is the abstract class for components of the program model.
Attributes: children [Element] errors [Exception] token tpg.Token

Method errorsAsString

errorsAsString( self )
Returns a string containing all the errors for this element. This will be printed with the element in its string representation.

Method program

program( self, program='program' )
Sets/gets the program associated to this element.

Method asString

asString( self )
Returns a string representing the element. NOTE: When you subclass this function, make sure it never fails, as the Program tree must be printed when an exception has occured, to let the user know what went wrong with the program.

Method error

error( self, exception )
Declares that an error was detected with this element, and adds it to the 'errors' attribute of this element.

Method add

add( self, element )

Method annotateChild

annotateChild( self, child, index )
Allows to annotate the child element at the given index. For instance, the first child of an operation is called the "operation name", then the rest are arguments. This allows this information to be printed on the tree.

Method run

run( self, program, parameters='parameters' )
Runs each child sequentially, by feeding the preceding one the result of the next.

Method type

type( self )

Method add

add( self, element )

Method contextAdd

contextAdd( self, element )
When an element is added to the combination context, it will be added to the combination first child context.

Method contextType

contextType( self )
Returns the type for this operation context.

Method error

error( self, exception )
Declares that an error was detected with this element, and adds it to the 'errors' attribute of this element.

Method annotateChild

annotateChild( self, child, index )
Allows to annotate the child element at the given index. For instance, the first child of an operation is called the "operation name", then the rest are arguments. This allows this information to be printed on the tree.

Method asString

asString( self )
Returns a string representing the element. NOTE: When you subclass this function, make sure it never fails, as the Program tree must be printed when an exception has occured, to let the user know what went wrong with the program.

Method asString

asString( self )
Returns a string representing the element. NOTE: When you subclass this function, make sure it never fails, as the Program tree must be printed when an exception has occured, to let the user know what went wrong with the program.

Method run

run( self, program, arguments='arguments' )
Runs the element as being part of the given program. This leads to the execution of the declaration represented in the program model. It does nothing by default.

Method contextType

contextType( self )
Returns the type for this operation context.

Method validate

validate( self, markOnly='markOnly' )

Class Combination

<class rugg.language.Combination at 0x407c392c>
A combination makes a "chain" of operations, where the first element may be either a value or operation. The result of the previous operation is then passed as a parameter to the next one.
Structure: (VALUE|OPERATION, OPERATION...) If the first element is a VALUE, then the combination context should not be modified, because the first child will inherit the combination context -- which will only work if the first element is an operation (values have no context).

Method unlink

unlink( self )
Unlinks this file. This closes the opened file descriptors and deletes the files from the filesystem.

Method type

type( self )

Method contextAdd

contextAdd( self, element )
When an element is added to the iteration context, it will be added to the combination first child context.

Method annotateChild

annotateChild( self, child, index )
Allows to annotate the child element at the given index. For instance, the first child of an operation is called the "operation name", then the rest are arguments. This allows this information to be printed on the tree.

Method asString

asString( self )
Returns a string representing the element. NOTE: When you subclass this function, make sure it never fails, as the Program tree must be printed when an exception has occured, to let the user know what went wrong with the program.


'Displays the parse tree.'
str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.


'Rugg v0.2.3 - Hard drive harness and testing language\n\nRugg is both a tool that allows to create simple to complex scenarios that will\ntest your hard drive. Rugg scenarios can be written in a compact and expressive\nlanguage that allow you to create test that will mimic behaviours of programs\nlike Apache or PosgreSQL in minutes.\n\nBy default, Rugg is started as an interactive shell, unless you giveit some\narguments. You can give paths to files containing scenarios as well as strings\nrepresenting program data. To have a list of available command-line options, run\nrugg with the "-h" or "--help" options.\n\nWelcome to Rugg ! \n'
str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.


'Checks the program syntax and semantics.'
str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.


'Does not clean the created zone that were not unlinked.'
str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.

Method run

run( self, program, parameters='parameters' )
Runs this by iterating through the values raised by the first operation, and applying them to the second.

Method add

add( self, element )

Module rugg.language

<module 'rugg.language' from '/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/rugg/language.pyc'>

Class Application

<class rugg.language.Application at 0x407c38cc>
An Application is a specific kind of Iteration, where the application of the values of the SET to the operation is made in parallel, not in sequence.


'(Cmd) '
str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.


str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.


'Miscellaneous help topics:'
str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.

Method endProgram

endProgram( self )
Ends the current program, and returns the `Program` instance that was created by the `createProgram` call.

Function run

run( args )


'\nSyntax overview:\n \n QUANTITY [NUMBER](b, Kb, Mb, Tb) 10.5Mb\n RANGE [QUANTITY]..[QUANTITY] 1Mb..10Mb\n [QUANTITY]..[QUANTITY]/STEPS 1Mb..10Mb/10\n [QUANTITY]..[QUANTITY]/INC 1Mb..10Mb+0.5Mb\n\n OPERATION [NAME] PARAMETER... zone 10Mb\n\n COMBINATION [EXPRESSION] , [EXPRESSION] zone 10Mb, subdivide\n ITERATION [EXPRESSION] : [EXPRESSION] zone 10Mb, subdivide : fill\n APPLICATION [EXPRESSION] | [EXPRESSION] zone 10Mb, subdivide | fill\n GROUPING ( [EXPRESSION] ) subdivide : (blank, fill)\n\n COMMENTS !-- [ANYTHING] --! !-- Here is a comment --!\n'
str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.


'Undocumented commands:'
str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.


int(x[, base]) -> integer
Convert a string or number to an integer, if possible. A floating point argument will be truncated towards zero (this does not include a string representation of a floating point number!) When converting a string, use the optional base. It is an error to supply a base when converting a non-string. If the argument is outside the integer range a long object will be returned instead.

Class Interpreter

<class rugg.main.Interpreter at 0x406b747c>
Default implementation for the Rugg interpreter.

Method onecmd

onecmd( self, string )

Module rugg.main

<module 'rugg.main' from '/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/rugg/'>
This is the main Rugg module, it contains the definition for the command line interprter and parser.
For more details on Rugg internals, you should look at the @rugg.language module, which contains the most important part of the language (parser and semantics). The @rugg.core module contains the Python API that can be used in scripts, and this API is wrapped in the @rugg.operations module.


str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.




'Documented commands (type help <topic>):'
str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.


str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.

Method program

program( self, program='program' )
Sets/gets the program associated to this element.

Method declareConsumer

declareConsumer( self, consumer )
This has to be called at the beginning by each consumer.

Function TB

TB( size )
Returns the number of terabytes in bytes

Class OperationDoesNotRespond

<class rugg.typesystem.OperationDoesNotRespond at 0x406e5f8c>

Class Parser

<class 'rugg.language.Parser'>
separator space '[\s\n]+'; separator comment '#.+';
token BLAH 'with|to|in|that|the|of|is|are'; token RANGE '\d+(\w+)?\.\.\d+(\w+)?(/\d+|\+\d+\w+)?'; token QUANTITY '\d+(\.\d+)?(\w\w|\%)?'; token WORD '\w[\w\d]+'; token LPAREN '\('; token RPAREN '\)'; token COMMA '\,'; token COLON '\:'; token PIPE '\|'; token STAR '\*'; token COMMENT_S '\!\-\-'; token COMMENT_E '\-\-\!';
START/s -> $ s = builder.createProgram(self) Expression/e $ s.add(e) $ builder.endProgram() ; Range/r -> RANGE/r $ r = builder.createRange(r) ; Operation/o -> WORD/w $ o = builder.createInvocation(w) ( BLAH | WORD/w $ o.add(builder.createString(w)) | QUANTITY/q $ o.add(builder.createQuantity(q)) | RANGE/r $ o.add(builder.createRange(r)) ) * $ builder.endOperation() ;
Atom/a -> QUANTITY/a $ a = builder.createQuantity(a) | Range/a | Operation/a | LPAREN Expression/a $ a = a $ RPAREN ;
Expression/a -> Atom/a ( ( COLON $ a = builder.createIteration(a) | PIPE $ a = builder.createApplication(a) | COMMA $ a = builder.createCombination(a) | STAR $ a = builder.createRepetition(a) ) Atom/b $ a.add(b) )* ;

Method errorsAsString

errorsAsString( self )
Returns a string containing all the errors for this element. This will be printed with the element in its string representation.

Class WriteError

<class rugg.core.WriteError at 0x406e556c>
Indicates that a write operation did not work as expected.

Method context

context( self, name='name', **kwargs )
Queries the given element of the current context or adds the given key/values to the current context.

Method program

program( self, program='program' )
Sets/gets the program associated to this element.

Method _createDescriptors

_createDescriptors( self )
This method is invoked by the constructor and creates the file descriptors (by default, one read and one write for the given path). This should be overriden if different behaviours are expected.

Method annotateChild

annotateChild( self, child, index )
Allows to annotate the child element at the given index. For instance, the first child of an operation is called the "operation name", then the rest are arguments. This allows this information to be printed on the tree.

Method createIteration

createIteration( self, element )

Method run

run( self, program='program', arguments='arguments' )

Method contextAdd

contextAdd( self, element )
Adds a value to this operation context.

Function wseek

wseek( files, offset )

Method path

path( self )
Returns the path for this File.


str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.

Class Repetition

<class rugg.language.Repetition at 0x407c38fc>
A repetition "absorbs its first argument", and repeats the attached operation the number of time described by the first argument.

Method program

program( self, program='program' )
Sets/gets the program associated to this element.

Method annotateChild

annotateChild( self, child, index )
Allows to annotate the child element at the given index. For instance, the first child of an operation is called the "operation name", then the rest are arguments. This allows this information to be printed on the tree.

Method produce

produce( self, length='length' )
This method can be used as a producer, and will return the content of this file from the current reading position.

Method log

log( self, message )

Method annotateChild

annotateChild( self, child, index )
Allows to annotate the child element at the given index. For instance, the first child of an operation is called the "operation name", then the rest are arguments. This allows this information to be printed on the tree.

Method sizeLimit

sizeLimit( self )
Returns the size limit for this file. -1 means that the file has no size limit, otherwise file size limit is expressed in bytes.

Method type

type( self )

Method canWrite

canWrite( self )
Returns the number of bytes that can be written until the size limit is reached. This returns -1 if there is no limit set.

Method join

join( self )
This is the opposite of divide: it joins every subzone together, so that this zone is a single zone.

Method ensure

ensure( self, *args )

Method contextType

contextType( self )
Returns the type for this operation context.

Method createQuantity

createQuantity( self, quantity )
Creates a Quantity value.

Method asString

asString( self )
Returns a string representing the element. NOTE: When you subclass this function, make sure it never fails, as the Program tree must be printed when an exception has occured, to let the user know what went wrong with the program.

Method createZone

createZone( self, *args, **kwargs )
Creates a Zone which will be initialized with the given arguments.

Method limitSize

limitSize( self, sizeLimit )
Sets a limit to this file size.

Function seek

seek( files, offset )

Method validate

validate( self, markOnly='markOnly' )
Ensures that the element is semantically consistent. A typical use is to check if the arguments given to a function are of the proper type. When a problem occurs, a SemanticException can be raised.


str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.

Class OperationalError

<class rugg.core.OperationalError at 0x406e559c>
Indicates than an operation (ensure, fill, etc) did not work as expected.

Class Value

<class rugg.language.Value at 0x407c371c>
A value represents elements that can be directly converted to values, and can be processed by operations. Values do not have children.
Attributes: value Element|str children ()

Method subdivide_alt

subdivide_alt( self, quantity, zone )

Method unlink

unlink( self )
Unlinks this file. This closes the opened file descriptors and deletes the files from the filesystem.

Class Quantity

<class rugg.language.Quantity at 0x407c377c>
Represents a quantity.

Method add

add( self, element )

Method errorsAsString

errorsAsString( self )
Returns a string containing all the errors for this element. This will be printed with the element in its string representation.

Method register

register( self )
Should be called after the instanciation. Will register all functions that have been decorated with @method.

Method read

read( self, length='length' )
Reads a segment of data of the given length and returns it. If an empty string is returned, then no value was read.

Method endOperation

endOperation( self )

Method contextAdd

contextAdd( self, element )
Adds a value to this operation context.

Method fill_argstokwargs

fill_argstokwargs( self, args )
Utility function that converts the given string arguments as a dict that can be used as kwargs to the core.fill operation.

Method program

program( self, program='program' )
Sets/gets the program associated to this element.

Method produce

produce( self, length='length' )
This method can be used as a producer, and will return the content of this file from the current reading position.

Method errorsAsString

errorsAsString( self )
Returns a string containing all the errors for this element. This will be printed with the element in its string representation.

Method asString

asString( self )


str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.

Method asString

asString( self )
Returns a string representing the element. NOTE: When you subclass this function, make sure it never fails, as the Program tree must be printed when an exception has occured, to let the user know what went wrong with the program.

Module rugg.operations

<module 'rugg.operations' from '/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/rugg/operations.pyc'>
The operations module defines an Environment class that contains all the operations. It is automatically instanciated by a program (in the language module).
What is interesting is that the Environment allows to very easily bind operations between Rugg and Python. You simply have to decorate an Environment method with the @method decorator, which will explicitely indicate the method signatures (we take advantage of Python flexible typing).

Method sig

sig( self )
Returns the SHA-1 signature for this file.

Method validate

validate( self, markOnly='markOnly' )
Ensures that the element is semantically consistent. A typical use is to check if the arguments given to a function are of the proper type. When a problem occurs, a SemanticException can be raised.

Method add

add( self, element )

Method rseek

rseek( self, offset )
Moves the read fd to the given offset.


list() -> new list list(sequence) -> new list initialized from sequence's items

Method type

type( self )


str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.

Method errorsAsString

errorsAsString( self )
Returns a string containing all the errors for this element. This will be printed with the element in its string representation.

Method asString

asString( self )
Returns a string representing the element. NOTE: When you subclass this function, make sure it never fails, as the Program tree must be printed when an exception has occured, to let the user know what went wrong with the program.

Method contextType

contextType( self )
Returns the type for this operation context.


'*** No help on %s'
str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.

Method validate

validate( self, markOnly='markOnly' )
Ensures that the element is semantically consistent. A typical use is to check if the arguments given to a function are of the proper type. When a problem occurs, a SemanticException can be raised.

Method program

program( self, program='program' )
Sets/gets the program associated to this element.

Method sizeLimit

sizeLimit( self )
Returns the size limit for this file. -1 means that the file has no size limit, otherwise file size limit is expressed in bytes.

Method subdivide

subdivide( self, zone, quantity )

Method type

type( self )

Method validate

validate( self, markOnly='markOnly' )
Ensures that the element is semantically consistent. A typical use is to check if the arguments given to a function are of the proper type. When a problem occurs, a SemanticException can be raised.

Method availableSpace

availableSpace( self )
Returns the available space (in bytes) for writing this file.

Method annotateChild

annotateChild( self, child, index )
Allows to annotate the child element at the given index. For instance, the first child of an operation is called the "operation name", then the rest are arguments. This allows this information to be printed on the tree.

Method program

program( self, program='program' )
Sets/gets the program associated to this element.

Method cleanConsumer

cleanConsumer( self, consumer )
Calles at the very end, when the consumer does not which to consume data anymore.

Method annotateChild

annotateChild( self, child, index )
Allows to annotate the child element at the given index. For instance, the first child of an operation is called the "operation name", then the rest are arguments. This allows this information to be printed on the tree.

Method zone_array

zone_array( self, quantities )

Function GB

GB( size )
Returns the number of gigabytes in bytes

Method START

START( self )
START -> Expression

Method inputType

inputType( self )
The input type is the type of the arguments, plus the type of the context. So this is basically equal to PROCESS(argumentsType, contextType).

Function generate_path

generate_path( prefix='prefix', suffix='suffix', parent='parent' )

Method unlink

unlink( self )
Unlinking Zone files has no side-effect, as the file descriptors are borrowed from the parent zone

Function parseString

parseString( text, run='run', validate='validate', display='display' )
Parses the given string of text and returns an object model representing the program.

Method type

type( self )

Function combineArguments

combineArguments( a, b )

Method seek

seek( self, offset )
Moves both read and write offsets to the given offset.

Method start

start( self )
Program started.

Method program

program( self, program='program' )
Sets/gets the program associated to this element.

Method wtell

wtell( self )

Class Parameter

<class rugg.language.Parameter at 0x407c37ac>
A Parameter is a value that is produced by the enclosing compositor. For instance, the iteration on a range will add a number parameter to the given operation.

Method run

run( self, program, arguments='arguments' )
Runs the element as being part of the given program. This leads to the execution of the declaration represented in the program model. It does nothing by default.

Method endContext

endContext( self )
Ends the context that was previously created by the 'startContext'

Class Zone

<class rugg.core.Zone at 0x406e568c>
A Zone is a specific file with a specific given size which can be divided into multiple SubZones. This allows to tests specific locations on the filesystem by creating 'virtual files' within one big file.

Method availableSpace

availableSpace( self )
Returns the available space (in bytes) for writing this file.

Class String

<class rugg.language.String at 0x407c374c>
Rerpresents a string.

Method createProgram

createProgram( self, parser )
Creates a new program. You must call `endProgram` before calling `createProgram` again.

Method asString

asString( self )
Returns a string representing the element. NOTE: When you subclass this function, make sure it never fails, as the Program tree must be printed when an exception has occured, to let the user know what went wrong with the program.

Method annotateChild

annotateChild( self, child, index )
Allows to annotate the child element at the given index. For instance, the first child of an operation is called the "operation name", then the rest are arguments. This allows this information to be printed on the tree.


<rugg.language.Parser object at 0x407cb86c>
separator space '[\s\n]+'; separator comment '#.+';
token BLAH 'with|to|in|that|the|of|is|are'; token RANGE '\d+(\w+)?\.\.\d+(\w+)?(/\d+|\+\d+\w+)?'; token QUANTITY '\d+(\.\d+)?(\w\w|\%)?'; token WORD '\w[\w\d]+'; token LPAREN '\('; token RPAREN '\)'; token COMMA '\,'; token COLON '\:'; token PIPE '\|'; token STAR '\*'; token COMMENT_S '\!\-\-'; token COMMENT_E '\-\-\!';
START/s -> $ s = builder.createProgram(self) Expression/e $ s.add(e) $ builder.endProgram() ; Range/r -> RANGE/r $ r = builder.createRange(r) ; Operation/o -> WORD/w $ o = builder.createInvocation(w) ( BLAH | WORD/w $ o.add(builder.createString(w)) | QUANTITY/q $ o.add(builder.createQuantity(q)) | RANGE/r $ o.add(builder.createRange(r)) ) * $ builder.endOperation() ;
Atom/a -> QUANTITY/a $ a = builder.createQuantity(a) | Range/a | Operation/a | LPAREN Expression/a $ a = a $ RPAREN ;
Expression/a -> Atom/a ( ( COLON $ a = builder.createIteration(a) | PIPE $ a = builder.createApplication(a) | COMMA $ a = builder.createCombination(a) | STAR $ a = builder.createRepetition(a) ) Atom/b $ a.add(b) )* ;

Method seek

seek( self, offset )
Moves both read and write offsets to the given offset.


dict() -> new empty dictionary. dict(mapping) -> new dictionary initialized from a mapping object's (key, value) pairs. dict(seq) -> new dictionary initialized as if via: d = {} for k, v in seq: d[k] = v dict(**kwargs) -> new dictionary initialized with the name=value pairs in the keyword argument list. For example: dict(one=1, two=2)

Class Iteration

<class rugg.language.Iteration at 0x407c389c>
An iteration sequentially applies the elements of a SET value as parameter to the context of the given operation.
Structure: VALUE|OPERATION, OPERATION where the VALUE or value returned by the first OPERATION is a SET.

Method errorsAsString

errorsAsString( self )
Returns a string containing all the errors for this element. This will be printed with the element in its string representation.

Module rugg.typesystem

<module 'rugg.typesystem' from '/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/rugg/typesystem.pyc'>

Function MB

MB( size )
Returns the number of megabytes in bytes

Method consumerFinished

consumerFinished( self, consumer )
This MUST be called by the consumer after each time it properly consumed data. This SHOULD NOT be called when the data returned is (None, 0).

Method errorsAsString

errorsAsString( self )
Returns a string containing all the errors for this element. This will be printed with the element in its string representation.

Method error

error( self, exception )
Declares that an error was detected with this element, and adds it to the 'errors' attribute of this element.

Method validate

validate( self, markOnly='markOnly' )
Ensures that the element is semantically consistent. A typical use is to check if the arguments given to a function are of the proper type. When a problem occurs, a SemanticException can be raised.

Method createInvocation

createInvocation( self, name )

Method validate

validate( self, markOnly='markOnly' )

Class File

<class rugg.core.File at 0x406e565c>
Files objects are a simple abstraction that easily allow to read, write, seek and unlink files. These are the objects used to access the filesystem and to harness the hard drives.

Method errorsAsString

errorsAsString( self )
Returns a string containing all the errors for this element. This will be printed with the element in its string representation.

Method blank

blank( self, zone )

Method wtell

wtell( self )

Method errorsAsString

errorsAsString( self )
Returns a string containing all the errors for this element. This will be printed with the element in its string representation.

Method add

add( self, element )

Method add

add( self, element )

Method _iterate

_iterate( self )

Method wtell

wtell( self )

Method zone

zone( self, quantity )

Method argumentsType

argumentsType( self )
The invocation arguments are the children following the first child.

Method Range

Range( self )
Range -> RANGE

Method size

size( self )
Returns the current size of this file, in bytes.

Function freespace

freespace( path='path' )

Method run

run( self, program, args='args' )

Function parseFile

parseFile( path, run='run', validate='validate', display='display' )
Parses the give file.

Method size

size( self )
Returns the current size of this file, in bytes.

Method add

add( self, element )

Method listOperations

listOperations( self )
Returns a list of couples ("operation name", "method").

Method path

path( self )
Returns the path for this File.

Method program

program( self, program='program' )
Sets/gets the program associated to this element.

Method errorsAsString

errorsAsString( self )
Returns a string containing all the errors for this element. This will be printed with the element in its string representation.

Class Operation

<class rugg.language.Operation at 0x407c383c>
An operation is an ProgramElement that can produce a value, by doing something. An operation has an associated _context_ (which one could also called the local environment) that contains data passed by enclosing operations.
Attributes: context [Value] An operation has no assertion on its children.

Method endComment

endComment( self )

Method subzones

subzones( self )
Returns the subzones that were created when this zone was divided, if it was divided.

Method fill

fill( self, f, length='length', blocksize='blocksize', producer='producer', log='log' )

Method error

error( self, exception )
Declares that an error was detected with this element, and adds it to the 'errors' attribute of this element.

Method path

path( self )
Returns the path for this File.

Method type

type( self )

Method createCombination

createCombination( self, element )

Method error

error( self, exception )
Declares that an error was detected with this element, and adds it to the 'errors' attribute of this element.

Class CachedProducer

<class rugg.core.CachedProducer at 0x406e55fc>
A cached producer generates a certain amount of data and picks its data from the cache. This allows to speed up the throughput and do actual benchmarking.
To generate a cached producer simply do CachedProducer(randomTextProducer), or with whatever producer you prefer.

Method wseek

wseek( self, offset )
Moves the write fd to the given offset.

Method benchmark

benchmark( self, something='something' )


str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.

Method program

program( self, program='program' )
Sets/gets the program associated to this element.

Function rseek

rseek( files, offset )

Method flush

flush( self )
Flushes the buffers.

Method cleanup

cleanup( self )
Unlinks all zones registered in this program.

Method annotateChild

annotateChild( self, child, index )
Allows to annotate the child element at the given index. For instance, the first child of an operation is called the "operation name", then the rest are arguments. This allows this information to be printed on the tree.

Method type

type( self )

Method sig

sig( self )
Returns the SHA-1 signature for this file.

Method limitSize

limitSize( self, sizeLimit )
Sets a limit to this file size.

Method join

join( self, zones )

Method error

error( self, exception )
Declares that an error was detected with this element, and adds it to the 'errors' attribute of this element.

Method add

add( self, element )

Method availableSpace

availableSpace( self )
Returns the available space (in bytes) for writing this file.

Function randomNumberProducer

randomNumberProducer( length )
Returns a chunk of data of the given length, or of a length equal to LIMITS.MAX_PRODUCED_DATA if length is too big. The data and its lengths are returned anyway.

Method asString

asString( self )

Function runString

runString( text )

Method type

type( self )
The type of an invocation corresponds to the processing of the context type, returning the corresponding type defined in the FUNCTIONS table.


int(x[, base]) -> integer
Convert a string or number to an integer, if possible. A floating point argument will be truncated towards zero (this does not include a string representation of a floating point number!) When converting a string, use the optional base. It is an error to supply a base when converting a non-string. If the argument is outside the integer range a long object will be returned instead.

Method errorsAsString

errorsAsString( self )
Returns a string containing all the errors for this element. This will be printed with the element in its string representation.

Method validate

validate( self, markOnly='markOnly' )
Ensures that the element is semantically consistent. A typical use is to check if the arguments given to a function are of the proper type. When a problem occurs, a SemanticException can be raised.

Method wseek

wseek( self, offset )
Moves the write fd to the given offset.

Method errorsAsString

errorsAsString( self )
Returns a string containing all the errors for this element. This will be printed with the element in its string representation.

Method sig

sig( self, zone )

Method rtell

rtell( self )

Method read

read( self, length='length' )
Reads a segment of data of the given length and returns it. If an empty string is returned, then no value was read.

Method data

data( self )
Returns the content of this file as data. The current read offset is preserved

Method indent

indent( self, text, length, firstline )

Method validate

validate( self, markOnly='markOnly' )
Ensures that the element is semantically consistent. A typical use is to check if the arguments given to a function are of the proper type. When a problem occurs, a SemanticException can be raised.

Method rtell

rtell( self )

Method annotateChild

annotateChild( self, child, index )
Allows to annotate the child element at the given index. For instance, the first child of an operation is called the "operation name", then the rest are arguments. This allows this information to be printed on the tree.

Method startComment

startComment( self )

Class UndefinedOperation

<class rugg.typesystem.UndefinedOperation at 0x406e5b0c>


{'KB': <function KB at 0x406e26f4>, 'MB': <function MB at 0x406e26bc>, 'MO': <function MB at 0x406e26bc>, 'KO': <function KB at 0x406e26f4>, 'TO': <function TB at 0x406e2764>, 'GB': <function GB at 0x406e272c>, 'GO': <function GB at 0x406e272c>, 'TB': <function TB at 0x406e2764>}
dict() -> new empty dictionary. dict(mapping) -> new dictionary initialized from a mapping object's (key, value) pairs. dict(seq) -> new dictionary initialized as if via: d = {} for k, v in seq: d[k] = v dict(**kwargs) -> new dictionary initialized with the name=value pairs in the keyword argument list. For example: dict(one=1, two=2)

Method rtell

rtell( self )


str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.

Method validate

validate( self, markOnly='markOnly' )

Method error

error( self, exception )
Declares that an error was detected with this element, and adds it to the 'errors' attribute of this element.

Method program

program( self, program='program' )
Sets/gets the program associated to this element.

Method errorsAsString

errorsAsString( self )
Returns a string containing all the errors for this element. This will be printed with the element in its string representation.


str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.

Method data

data( self )
Returns the content of this file as data. The current read offset is preserved

Function randomWordsProducer

randomWordsProducer( length )
Returns a chunk of data of the given length, or of a length equal to LIMITS.MAX_PRODUCED_DATA if length is too big. The data and its lengths are returned anyway.

Method add

add( self, element )

Method add

add( self, element )

Method _createDescriptors

_createDescriptors( self )
This method is invoked by the constructor and creates the file descriptors (by default, one read and one write for the given path). This should be overriden if different behaviours are expected.

Method annotateChild

annotateChild( self, child, index )
Allows to annotate the child element at the given index. For instance, the first child of an operation is called the "operation name", then the rest are arguments. This allows this information to be printed on the tree.

Method error

error( self, exception )
Declares that an error was detected with this element, and adds it to the 'errors' attribute of this element.


str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.

Method run

run( self, program, parameters='parameters' )
Runs this by iterating through the values raised by the first operation, and applying them to the second.


<_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x82f8b80>
Compiled regular expression objects

Method read

read( self, length='length' )
Reads a segment of data of the given length and returns it. If an empty string is returned, then no value was read.

Method startContext

startContext( self, **kwargs )
Starts a new subcontext in the environment. A context can be used by the operations to save run-time state data.

Method sig

sig( self )
Returns the SHA-1 signature for this file.

Class FileError

<class rugg.core.FileError at 0x406e550c>
Abstract class for file-related errors.

Method run

run( self, program, args='args' )

Method type

type( self )
Returns the type for this element.

Method asString

asString( self )

Method type

type( self )
Returns the type for this element.

Method error

error( self, exception )
Declares that an error was detected with this element, and adds it to the 'errors' attribute of this element.

Method error

error( self, exception )
Declares that an error was detected with this element, and adds it to the 'errors' attribute of this element.

Method write

write( self, data )
Writes the given data to this file. Returns the actual number of written bytes.

Method rseek

rseek( self, offset )
Moves the read fd to the given offset.

Method returnType

returnType( self, operation, argsignatures )

Method limitSize

limitSize( self, sizeLimit )
Sets a limit to this file size.

Method asString

asString( self )

Method error

error( self, message )

Method subzone

subzone( self, baseOffset, length )
Creates a subzone with the given base offset and the given length. There is no checking for wether the subzone overlaps with an existing one, so you should take care of that.

Method createString

createString( self, word )
Creates a Word value.

Method program

program( self, program='program' )
Sets/gets the program associated to this element.

Method contextType

contextType( self )
Returns the type for this operation context.

Method type

type( self )
Returns the type for this element.

Method add

add( self, element )


{'REBOLD': '01;31', 'MG': '00;35', 'GR': '00;32', 'BKBOLD': '01;30', 'MGBOLD': '01;35', 'BL': '00;34', 'BWBOLD': '01;33', 'BK': '00;30', 'RE': '00;31', 'CY': '00;36', 'BW': '00;33', 'GRBOLD': '01;32', 'BLBOLD': '01;34', 'CYBOLD': '01;36'}
dict() -> new empty dictionary. dict(mapping) -> new dictionary initialized from a mapping object's (key, value) pairs. dict(seq) -> new dictionary initialized as if via: d = {} for k, v in seq: d[k] = v dict(**kwargs) -> new dictionary initialized with the name=value pairs in the keyword argument list. For example: dict(one=1, two=2)

Method produce

produce( self, length='length' )
This method can be used as a producer, and will return the content of this file from the current reading position.


<rugg.core.Limits instance at 0x406eb3cc>
The Limits class defines limits that will constrain the operations defined in this modules. Limits allow to prevent the operation from overflowing or causing problem with the underlying operating systems. Limits are used to determine the maximum number of file descriptors, or the maximum length of data producer by a producer at a time.
Attributes: MAX_FD Maxium number of file descriptors openened at once MAX_PRODUCED_DATA Maximum length of data produced by a producer

Method type

type( self )

Method error

error( self, exception )
Declares that an error was detected with this element, and adds it to the 'errors' attribute of this element.

Method unlink

unlink( self, zone )

Method wseek

wseek( self, offset )
Moves the write fd to the given offset.

Class SharedProducer

<class rugg.core.SharedProducer at 0x406e562c>
This class allows to wrap a producer so that the same data can be consumed by a given number of threds. This is vital to the 'fill same' operation in multi-threaded contexts.

Method run

run( self, program, args='args' )

Function createParser

createParser( )
Creates the parse for the Rugg mini language. This is an internal method that creates a TPG or PyParsing parser.

Class Range

<class rugg.language.Range at 0x407c380c>
A Range is a set of values (and is also a value).

Function blankProducer

blankProducer( length )
Returns a chunk of data of the given length, or of a length equal to LIMITS.MAX_PRODUCED_DATA if length is too big. The data and its lengths are returned anyway.

Class SubZone

<class rugg.core.SubZone at 0x406e56bc>
A Zone file is a file that leaves within a zone. It has the same interface as the File object.

Method Operation

Operation( self )

Class Invocation

<class rugg.language.Invocation at 0x407c386c>
An invocation is the operation that will look into the Rugg language functions, take the function, and invoke the function with the parameters found in the invocation context.
An invocation is (SYMBOL, ANY*)

Class SemanticError

<class rugg.typesystem.SemanticError at 0x406e58cc>
An exception that is thrown when a semantic error was detected.

Method setOffsets

setOffsets( self, element )
Sets the offsets of the given element. This is automatically called on the element creation.

Method add

add( self, element )

Method rseek

rseek( self, offset )
Moves the read fd to the given offset.

Method run

run( self, program, args='args' )

Method canWrite

canWrite( self )
Returns the number of bytes that can be written until the size limit is reached. This returns -1 if there is no limit set.

Method createApplication

createApplication( self, element )

Method run

run( self, program, parameters='parameters' )
Runs this by iterating through the values raised by the first operation, and applying them to the second.

Method _dispatch

_dispatch( self, operation, argSignature )

Method write

write( self, data )
Writes the given data to this file. Returns the actual number of written bytes.

Module rugg.core

<module 'rugg.core' from '/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/rugg/core.pyc'>

Method contextType

contextType( self )
Returns the type for this operation context.

Class RuntimeError

<class rugg.typesystem.RuntimeError at 0x406e5aac>
An exception that is thrown when a runtime error was detected.

Method validate

validate( self, markOnly='markOnly' )
Ensures that the element is semantically consistent. A typical use is to check if the arguments given to a function are of the proper type. When a problem occurs, a SemanticException can be raised.

Method validate

validate( self, markOnly='markOnly' )
Ensures that the element is semantically consistent. A typical use is to check if the arguments given to a function are of the proper type. When a problem occurs, a SemanticException can be raised.

Method reset

reset( self )

Function _pickData

_pickData( paths, length )
Picks a file from the given list of paths, and returns at most the given length. If there was a problem with the given file (cannot be read, or does not exist), then None is returned.

Method validate

validate( self, markOnly='markOnly' )
Ensures that the element is semantically consistent. A typical use is to check if the arguments given to a function are of the proper type. When a problem occurs, a SemanticException can be raised.

Method Expression

Expression( self )
Expression -> Atom ((COLON | PIPE | COMMA | STAR) Atom)*

Method contextAdd

contextAdd( self, element )
When an element is added to the iteration context, it will be added to the combination first child context.

Method annotateChild

annotateChild( self, child, index )
Allows to annotate the child element at the given index. For instance, the first child of an operation is called the "operation name", then the rest are arguments. This allows this information to be printed on the tree.

Method run

run( self, program, args='args' )

Method write

write( self, data )
Writes the given data to this file. Returns the actual number of written bytes.

Method time

time( self, something='something' )

Method asString

asString( self )

Class ReadError

<class rugg.core.ReadError at 0x406e553c>
Indicates that a read operation did not work as expected.

Class Limits

<class rugg.core.Limits at 0x406e55cc>
The Limits class defines limits that will constrain the operations defined in this modules. Limits allow to prevent the operation from overflowing or causing problem with the underlying operating systems. Limits are used to determine the maximum number of file descriptors, or the maximum length of data producer by a producer at a time.
Attributes: MAX_FD Maxium number of file descriptors openened at once MAX_PRODUCED_DATA Maximum length of data produced by a producer

Method invoke

invoke( self, operation, argsignatures, arguments )
Invokes the given operation with the given arguments. The arguments must be actual ProgramModel Values, and must be able to return a type.

Method flush

flush( self )
Flushes the buffers.

Method seek

seek( self, offset )
Moves both read and write offsets to the given offset.

Class Symbol

<class rugg.language.Symbol at 0x407c37dc>
A Symbol is a string that represents an element of the program, wether available in the program context, or available in the internal program runtime. Symbols are typically used to represent functions by their names, so Symbols are simply strings.

Class ProgramElement

<class rugg.language.ProgramElement at 0x407c36ec>
An element that belong to a particular program.

Method asString

asString( self )
Returns a string representing the element. NOTE: When you subclass this function, make sure it never fails, as the Program tree must be printed when an exception has occured, to let the user know what went wrong with the program.

Method lineForPos

lineForPos( self, pos='pos' )
Returns (LINENUM, LINETEXT, LINEPOS) where LINENUM is the line number of the given position in the parsed text, LINETEXT the line text, and LINEPOS the position relatively to the start of the line.

Method run

run( self, program, parameters='parameters' )
Runs this invocation in the given program.

Function runFile

runFile( text )

Method annotateChild

annotateChild( self, child, index )
Allows to annotate the child element at the given index. For instance, the first child of an operation is called the "operation name", then the rest are arguments. This allows this information to be printed on the tree.

Function randomBinaryProducer

randomBinaryProducer( length )
Returns a chunk of data of the given length, or of a length equal to LIMITS.MAX_PRODUCED_DATA if length is too big. The data and its lengths are returned anyway.

Method _createDescriptors

_createDescriptors( self )
This method is invoked by the constructor and creates the file descriptors (by default, one read and one write for the given path). This should be overriden if different behaviours are expected.

Method annotateChild

annotateChild( self, child, index )
Allows to annotate the child element at the given index. For instance, the first child of an operation is called the "operation name", then the rest are arguments. This allows this information to be printed on the tree.

Method flush

flush( self )
Flushes the buffers.

Method subdivide

subdivide( self, number )
Divides the zones into the given number of subzones. Starting from that moment, and until join is invoked, all operations will be made on all subzones. An array of SubZones representing the subzones themselves is given, and can be manipulated as regular files.

Method ensureSame

ensureSame( self, files, opposite='opposite', blocksize='blocksize' )

Method errorsAsString

errorsAsString( self )
Returns a string containing all the errors for this element. This will be printed with the element in its string representation.

Method createRepetition

createRepetition( self, element )

Method generate

generate( self, f, length='length', blocksize='blocksize', producer='producer' )

Method data

data( self )
Returns the content of this file as data. The current read offset is preserved

Method add

add( self, element )

Method ensureBlank

ensureBlank( self, files, opposite='opposite', blocksize='blocksize' )

Method size

size( self )
Returns the current size of this file, in bytes.

Method createRange

createRange( self, _range )
Creates and returns a new Range element, and adds it to the program stack.

Method error

error( self, exception )
Declares that an error was detected with this element, and adds it to the 'errors' attribute of this element.

Method fill_typeWithZones

fill_typeWithZones( self, *args, **pkwargs )

Method error

error( self, exception )
Declares that an error was detected with this element, and adds it to the 'errors' attribute of this element.

Class ProgramBuilder

<class rugg.language.ProgramBuilder at 0x407c395c>
The ProgramBuilder is the main interface, drive by the parser, to create Rugg programs. You can also drive the ProgramBuilder "by hand" to build Rugg program from Python scripts.
NOTE: program builders are not threadsafe, which means that you cannot share a single program builder instance between different threads. Create a new one instead for each thread.

Method sizeLimit

sizeLimit( self )
Returns the size limit for this file. -1 means that the file has no size limit, otherwise file size limit is expressed in bytes.

Class Environment

<class rugg.operations.Environment at 0x407c365c>
The operations environment is a class that encapsulates all operations defined in the language. It offers a simple framework to implement what is defined in the language.

Method contextAdd

contextAdd( self, element )
Adds a value to this operation context.


<rugg.language.ProgramBuilder instance at 0x407c6c6c>
The ProgramBuilder is the main interface, drive by the parser, to create Rugg programs. You can also drive the ProgramBuilder "by hand" to build Rugg program from Python scripts.
NOTE: program builders are not threadsafe, which means that you cannot share a single program builder instance between different threads. Create a new one instead for each thread.

Method isConsumerDeclared

isConsumerDeclared( self, consumer )

Method type

type( self )
Returns the type for this element.

Class RuggError

<class rugg.typesystem.RuggError at 0x406e574c>

Function _initTextSources

_initTextSources( )

Method program

program( self, program='program' )
Sets/gets the program associated to this element.

Method Atom

Atom( self )
Atom -> QUANTITY | Range | Operation | LPAREN Expression RPAREN

Function randomTextProducer

randomTextProducer( length )
Returns a chunk of data of the given length, or of a length equal to LIMITS.MAX_PRODUCED_DATA if length is too big. The data and its lengths are returned anyway.

Method canWrite

canWrite( self )
Returns the number of bytes that can be written until the size limit is reached. This returns -1 if there is no limit set.

Function type_format

type_format( the_type )
Formats the given type to be printed on a terminal. If the type is UNKNOWN, it will be printed in RED, otherwise in GREEN.

Method error

error( self, exception )
Declares that an error was detected with this element, and adds it to the 'errors' attribute of this element.

Class Program

<class rugg.language.Program at 0x407c36bc>
Represents a Rugg program as a whole. The program has a stack of values, representing the current context (which is a value). The stack can be manipulated by the program builder.

Method validate

validate( self, markOnly='markOnly' )
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